Amir was born and grew up in Tehran. Art and design were always a part of family life – his mother was a decorator and costume designer and Amir was always surrounded by vibrant fabric, tools and materials. This indelible understanding of creating inspired him to abandon his math studies and win a place to study at Arts and Architecture University of Tehran, one of the most prestigious art universities in the Middle East at the time. Embracing the world, his life journey has taken him to Sweden, Morocco and Germany working in illustration, advertising and corporate identity.
Although he loves harmony, relativity and vitality in life, contrasts have been a constant theme in Amir’s life. As a child in times of war he experienced life on the edge where constant innovation was essential for survival; enduring censorship of expression during his university studies challenged him to find unorthodox ways to express concepts and ideas through art.
Wherever Amir goes, his sketchbook is with him. His artwork is complex, detailed often emotional, and sometimes dark and frightening for the viewer. His works express humanity: evoking the experience of life, ‘being’ human, and the human identity are always present.